Virtual Assemblies for Condominiums

Did you know that at the beginning of 2020, the Covid-19 contingency prevented the majority of condominium owners from all over the country and abroad from meeting to hold their general assemblies?

This lack of meetings had as a consequence that the condominiums made it difficult for them to collect ordinary and extraordinary fees, accountability of the administrative bodies, avoid penalizing defaulting condominium owners, among other situations that affected the continuity of ordinary operations, that in a medium or long term, derive in a detriment to the value of the properties.

Countries such as Colombia, Spain, Chile, Argentina, were able to hold their meetings, thanks to the fact that virtual assemblies were regulated, which allow owners to meet remotely through electronic means, and thus participate and vote in a safe and valid way.

In Mexico, only in the State of Quintana Roo and recently in Mexico City, as of February 23, 2021, the members of a condominium can hold general assemblies virtually, without physically meeting in the same place, through electronic means, without risk of contingencies, and are totally legal.

What is an Assembly?

Supreme body of the condominium, formed by the General Board of Owners of the real estate properties located in the same condominium, as well as their respective common areas, held in accordance with the law and its statutes, which appear on the date, time and address indicated in the respective calls, in order to deal with, discuss, resolve and ratify all acts, operations and resolutions of its representative bodies.

What is a Virtual Assembly?

Supreme body of the condominium, formed by the General Board of Owners of the real estate properties, as well as their respective common areas, in which the owners are located in different geographical points, whose celebration and appearance are carried out on the same date, time and link or address electronically indicated in the respective calls and through telecommunication means, in order to deal with, discuss, resolve and ratify all the acts, operations and resolutions of its representative bodies.

Advantages of a virtual assembly

  • You can be summoned or summoned to attend the assemblies remotely through electronic notifications.

  • You can save time and money on transportation to attend assemblies, being able to attend and vote at meetings through electronic means.

  • It is a safe way to attend and vote in meetings, without the risk of physically attending.
  • They help to continue with the decisions and operations of the administrative bodies, to render accounts to the owners, without the need to interrupt or postpone the meetings.
  • For foreign owners, they help facilitate their participation in virtual meetings, without the need to travel and make unnecessary expenses to attend these types of meetings.

  • Documentation can be shared and signed electronically, completely legally.

Are you part of a condominium and want to implement virtual Assemblies to meet remotely and completely valid?

Contact us

At Wadil we have experience in Information Technology Legal advice to help you implement virtual assemblies.