Technology Legal Consulting

1. Implementation of virtual Corporate Assemblies

Preparation and implementation of a protocol for holding company assemblies and board meetings by the company’s management body using advanced electronic signature through videoconference platforms, which facilitates the partners and / or members of the management body to legally hold assemblies or meetings from a distance

2. Legal Planning and Implementation for entrepreneurs or companies.

  • Advice on company’s incorporation according to the technological business model that is determined.
  • Study and preparation of a regulatory map of laws applicable to the business model.
  • Intellectual Property: trademark registration with IMPI and software with INDAUTOR.
  • Preparation of Contracts: confidentiality, software development, project investment, software use licenses.
  • Advice and Implementation of personal data program.

3. Personal Data and Confidentiality Program

  • Initial diagnosis of compliance with personal data protection regulations.
  • Elaboration or updating of the Privacy Notice.
  • Implementation of security measures for physical, administrative and technical information in the organization.
  • Training of personnel on issues of Personal Data and Information Security.
  • Support for the selection of a personal data officer who attends ARCO right requests to clients, suppliers, employees or any third party that has transferred personal data to the organization.
  • Periodic review to update the program.

How well you meet the law on the protection of personal data?

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4. WFH (Work From Home)

Consistente en las siguientes etapas:

  1. Diagnosis: Identify the current state in the organization and establish how prepared it is for the adoption of WFH or remote work modality.
  2. Planning: Prepare the organization for the adoption of WFH.
  3. Start-up: verification of legal and information security conditions, considering mainly for its implementation with the following components:
    • Organizational Component: Selection of employees; identification of eligible areas; monitoring and indicators.
    • Legal Component: Contracts or labor agreements; modification of internal regulations; Working conditions; Reversibility clause.
    • Technological Component: Technological requirements; information security policies; Informatic security.

5. E-Contracting / Electronic contracting

  • Advice on the implementation of advanced electronic signature for the company’s documentary processes.
  • Study and preparation of civil, commercial or consumer contracts and agreements, through the use of advanced electronic signature.
  • Protocols and agreements for the recognition of data messages or electronic communications.

6. E-Commerce

  • Diagnosis and preparation of Terms and Conditions according to laws and regulations.
  • Implementation of Privacy Policies (personal data program).
  • Implementation of simple Electronic Signature with legal proof of electronic transactions.

Is your company complying with the Legal provisions in IT?

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