
Eric Galvan

Managing Partner of Digital Transformation Consulting

Enterprise Design Thinking Coach | Agile Coach | Sr UX Consultant

Skills and experience:

  • Enterprise Design Thinking Coach
  • Agile Coach
  • Sr User Experience & User Interface Designer
  • Extensive knowledge in web and mobile technologies
  • Scrum Master, agile practices

More than 20 years of experience in design, marketing, and development of digital solutions strategies, offering web / mobile projects with a human-centered design approach and best usability practices.

As IBM Enterprise Design Thinking Chapter Leader in Mexico City, he facilitated Discovery workshops for different clients in CDMX, in addition to participating in customer-facing projects in Ecuador and Uruguay. Also, he has participated as an EDT coach in several projects in banking, insurance, climate change, telco clients. The projects vary from backends, frontends and projects in non-technology areas such as business, human resources, finance areas.

As an Agile Coach, he has been involved in various Discovery projects such as the transformation of the payment system of one of the largest banks in Mexico, data governance projects and Policies / Regulations projects.

As UX leader, he has been involved in the British Petroleum mobile application for Mexico, for the Voces de Otros Tiempos mobile application for the National Museum of Anthropology, defining a new banking application and a responsive public website for Banorte; also for applications for internal use by Telcel and Metlife, and for a Paperless project in Los Angeles, CA for the energy company Southern California Edison.

Alejandro Gomez Montoy

Partner and President of the Board, Wadil Works, SC

Alejandro assumed the role of Chief Executive Officer and President of the Board of Wadil Works, SC on January of 2009 to date.

Previously he was CEO of ACCEL S.A.B. de C.V., a corporation listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange, with 2 large divisions: Logistics and Manufacturing. Prior to that, he served as Vice-President, Mexico Operations for Electrolux Home Products North America, establishing, staffing and ramping a greenfield, home-appliance manufacturing facility in Ciudad Juarez at the USA-Mexico border.

Alejandro held several positions at Solectron Corporation for over 7 years. Starting up a greenfield site, he held the position of General Manager & President for the Guadalajara Site, then moved up to Corporate Senior Vice President and President for Latin America, which included 3 sites in Brazil and 2 sites in Mexico, with over 12,000 employees.


For nearly 6 years, he was the President & General Director for AeroLitoral (a regional airline which he started-up, known today as Aeromexico Connect), and later promoted to CEO of Aero Peru, Peru´s national flag carrier out of Lima, all within the Aeromexico Group.


Early in his career, Alejandro, served as Vice President, General Manager at Shizuki Electrónica, a Mitsubishi Co., for 7 years.


Since 1983, he has been assisting foreign companies in establishing their operations in Mexico as well as offshore consulting dealing with Mexico. He received a B.S. in Business Administration & BS Accounting from the Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara.

He has also been active as:

  • First VP, American Chamber of Commerce, Guadalajara Division
  • Board member, Banamex, Western region
  • Board member, Jaltrade, International trade Association
  • Former President of the Board (1999, 2000) Member, and National Advisor for             the Maquila Industry Association
  • Board Member at Universidad Panamericana (Jalisco) and Universidad Anahuac
  • Board Member, Centro Regional para la Competitividad Empresarial (CRECE)
  • Board Member, Founding Member, Jalisco State Quality Award
  • Keynote speaker at conferences and universities on Management, International Trade, and Low-Cost Manufacturing.

Jessica Galvan

Managing Partner of Human Capital Consulting

Jessica became Administrative Manager at Wadil Works in January of 2009. She oversees accounting, finance, purchases, human resources, and in general is responsible for the day-to-day running of the company.

She is backed up in this position with almost 20 years of experience in HR, management and Strategic Planning for large and Fortune 500 companies.

Among these companies were Accel SAB de CV, Electrolux Home Products North America, and 6 years with Solectron Corporation based in Guadalajara. Here she led, supervised and in some cases, implemented complex projects such as PeopleSoft implementation, Kronos, overseeing the hiring of thousands of direct and indirect labor workers.

She started her career with Banco de Mexico, Mexico’s central bank, where she worked for over 6 years in different management roles within the bank.
She has a BA degree in Computer Science from the Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara.

Jose Antonio Sepulveda

Director of Legal Consulting in IT

Lawyer specialized in Commercial Matters and Information Technology Law, currently appointed President of the Jalisco Chapter of the Mexican Academy of Computer Law by the AMDI.
José Antonio is responsible within Wadil for everything related to the area of electronic contracting and personal data, diagnoses and preparation of custom civil, commercial and consumer contracts, implementing advanced electronic signature. Expert in: implementation of privacy policies; protocols and agreements for the recognition of data messages or electronic communications; diagnoses and preparation of terms and conditions in accordance with the law; protocols and statutes for holding virtual corporate assemblies.

José Antonio is a Lawyer graduated from the Universidad Panamericana under the thesis: Applicable Law and Competent Jurisdiction in electronic commerce and has a Master’s Degree in Civil and Financial Law from the University of Guadalajara.

José Antonio has extensive experience in Teaching, currently he teaches the New Technologies Law seminar at the Universidad Panamericana campus Guadalajara, and the Electronic Contracting course at the Business Preparation Academy. He has also given courses at the University of Colima, at the UVM and at CUCSH of the University of Guadalajara.

Previously, he held the position of Director of civil and commercial lawsuits at Acosta & Asociados from 2003 to 2013. Prior to this, he held the position of corporate area and director of foreign trade at Hernández, Mallorquín, Ramírez y Castillo, S.C.

Victor Ruiz

Socio Director de Consultoría en Tecnología

Víctor es Licenciado en Informática por la Universidad de Guadalajara y Tecnólogo en Informática y Computación por el Centro de Enseñanza Técnica Industrial, graduado con honores en ambos casos.

A lo largo de su vida profesional ha colaborado con todo tipo de instituciones en donde ha adquirido amplia experiencia en el campo del análisis y desarrollo de sistemas. También ha incursionado en el ámbito académico en donde tuvo la oportunidad participar en la gestión de sistemas enfocados a la capacitación en línea.

Víctor se ha involucrado en múltiples proyectos de desarrollo de software y aplicaciones móviles para clientes de talla internacional en donde ha participado durante todas las etapas del proceso, desde la concepción del mismo, hasta la implementación y soporte postventa, pasando obviamente por la etapa de desarrollo.

Como desarrollador Full Stack, Víctor cuenta con experiencia tanto en los proceso y tecnologías relativos al desarrollo de backend como en los relacionados con el frontend, así como en diversas técnicas de ingeniería de requerimientos, lo cual le ha permitido entender a la perfección las necesidades de nuestros clientes y traducirlas en sistemas amigables y eficientes.

Víctor se especializa en ambientes Web bajo infraestructuras LAMP por lo que ha tenido la oportunidad de encargarse de la administración de servidores para empresas como Continental, Medtronic o Fresenius. Así mismo, entendiendo la importancia fundamental que suele tener la información para este tipo de empresas, Víctor cuenta con amplios conocimientos en el ramo de seguridad informática, especialmente en lo relativo al Pentesting.

Gracias a su experiencia en ambientes de aprendizaje en línea, Víctor ha logrado implementar con éxito estrategias de capacitación en línea para organismos de la talla del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA) llegando incluso a automatizar procesos educativos en temas tan críticos como técnicas quirúrgicas para empresas del sector salud como Covidien y administrando plataformas LMS con más de 6 mil estudiantes distribuidos alrededor del mundo para empresas como OMNILIFE.

Además, Víctor ha forjado una carrera de más de 10 años de experiencia en el área del Marketing Digital y las estrategias de posicionamiento Web, atendiendo a clientes de ramos tan diversos como el inmobiliario, el industrial, el comercio minorista, los servicios de impresión entre muchos otros. Gracias a las metodologías implementadas por Víctor, nuestros clientes han logrado incrementar considerablemente su tasa de leads obtenidos, lo cual se traduce consecuentemente en un aumento de ventas.

En enero del 2009, Víctor se integró al equipo de trabajo de Wadil Works como responsable del área de desarrollo de sistemas así como de la administración de nuestros servidores. En la actualidad el ocupa el puesto de Director General de Wadil Works.